Mary Earle, Richard Earle and Allan Anderson
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About the book
About the authors
1. Keys to new product
success and failure

2. Developing an
innovation strategy

3. The product
development process

4. The knowledge base
for product

5. The consumer in
product development

6. Managing the
product development

7. Case studies:
product development
in the food

8. Improving the
product development

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Part 3, Chapter 6
Managing the product development process

6.2.3 Product development managers

Product development managers have commitment to the company's PD Process and integration of the skills and knowledge for this process, understanding of the customer and consumer needs and wants, knowledge of present and emerging technologies, understanding of the company and the external environment. They need the abilities to:

     identify the outcomes necessary for each stage of the PD Process for
        the chief executive's and Board's decision making;

     identify the time and other constraints on the project;

     identify and find the resources for the product development;

     encourage the creative and technical achievements of the people
        involved in product development;

     analyse and make the decisions.

They need to be able, with top management, to obtain/maintain support for new initiatives, to define the company's strategies for the new initiatives, and to cooperate with the project leaders in defining projects.

Product development managers integrate the various projects into an overall product development programme. They set with the project managers the timing of stages in the PD Process, plan and control the resources so that they are available at the correct time and are of the right quality, analyse the results of the development and make decisions for further stages. They need to be aware, guide and be available when necessary, to help the creativity and the problem solving. Every company needs a person who is responsible for new products and is recognised as this. This person must have product development knowledge and skills as well as management knowledge and skills. There needs to be a balance between the innovation development and the management. Over-management can stifle innovation, but uncontrolled product development may lead to inappropriate products, inefficient product development and time/cost overruns - in other words commercial failure.

6.2.4 Project leader

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Food Product Development. Copyright © 2001 Woodhead Publishing Limited.
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