Understanding and controlling changes in foods during processing and storage
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Acid, addition to change pH – as processing strategy, 147
Activation energies, 49-52
Additives, effect on reactions in food processing, 146-8
Alkali, addition to change pH – as processing strategy, 147
Alpha-lactalbumin, Arrhenius plot showing denaturation (Fig.), 128
denaturation (example), 129
Alternative energy processing conditions, 152-9
Applied reaction technology, some successes of, 164-9
Arrhenius equation, use in determining reaction rates, 44-5
Arrhenius plot, for sucrose hydrolysis (Fig.), 76
of reaction rate against temperature, 46
showing ascorbic acid loss on storage, 59
showing decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by catalase (Fig.), 116
showing denaturation of alpha-lactalbumin (Fig.), 128
showing loss of aspartame on storage (Fig.), 113
Ascorbic acid loss, as example of zero order reaction, 58
on storage – Arrhenius plot, 59
Aspartame, loss on storage – Arrhenius plot (Fig.), 113
Aspartame, shelf life – effect of temperature, 112
Automatic control equipment, need for, 177
Bacterial growth curve, representative (Fig.), 84
Blanching, extent of reaction required, 62
Browning, monitored by hydroxymethyl furfural, 119
non-enzymic – effect of water activity, 151
C values, determination of (example), 80
in food processing, 79-80
Can sterilisation, predicting adequacy of processing (illustrative example), 25-7
Canning, effect of variation in steam pressure on reaction rates, 20-1
F values in, 79-80
success of applied reaction technology, 164
Canning model (illustrative example), 25-7
Canning/sterilisation, process integration in, 89-94
Carrots, enzymic action in, 114
Catalytic hydrogenation, to increase the degree of saturation in fats, 120
Chain reactions, in food processing, 117-22
Changes, in food materials during processing (Table), 2
Chicken pieces, irradiation to reduce
Salmonella in (example), 155
Chilled fish, storage – OTT plot of time and temperature (Fig.), 103
Chlorophyll, breakdown in green peas – effect of pH, 147-8
Coleslaw mix, shelf life of – use of sensory panel (example), 170-1
Combined process technology, 159-63
Complex method, to determine optimum time/temperature profiles in
four-step heat process, 133
Compositional labelling, as determinant of acceptable shelf life, 13
Concentration, effect on rate of reaction, 36
Concentration change with time, study of, 69-70
Concentration/reaction rate relationships, 60-2
equations for, 56-62
Conduction-heated systems, optimising product profile in can sterilisation, 131
Confectionery, whey protein coated – shelf life affected by different holding
temperatures, 111
Consecutive (chain) reactions, equations for, 118
Consumer expectations, of food products, 4, 5
Continuous processing, in relation to microbial death, 87
success of applied reaction technology, 164-5
Continuous systems, processing in, 136-9
Controlled-atmosphere storage, to prolong shelf life, 149
Convection ovens, optimal heating strategies for, 131
Critical attributes of orange juice (processing conditions - example), 7
Deterioration rates, for food products - importance of understanding, 16
Distribution design, 17-8
Dynamic food processing, definition, 3
Eggs, liquid whole – pasteurisation (designing optimum process - case
study), 135-6
Eggs in shells, pasteurised – development of (processing conditions -
example), 11
Electrical fields, as alternative processing method, 156-8
Enzyme activity, inactivation by high-pressure processing, 158
Enzyme catalysed reactions, in food processing, 113-7
Enzyme denaturation reactions, 115
Enzyme/substrate reactions, 115
Enzymes, denaturation by heat, 114
Enzymic action, in carrots, 114
F values, determination of (example), 80
in canning and sterilisation, 79-80
Fat hydrogenation, important measures of the reaction, 120
Fat oxidation, effect of water activity, 151
Fatty fish, storage life of (example), 96
First order reactions, in food processing, 56-7
Fish, deterioration after catching (illustrative example), 16-7
deterioration at different temperatures (Table), 99
deterioration with temperature (Figs), 102
shelf life – case study, 98-101
storage on ice – generation of trimethylamine (Fig.), 101
Food materials, changes during processing, 2
Food preservation vs food processing, definition, 3
Food process design, 24-5
Food processing, modelling using reaction technology, 25-7
summary of important considerations, 28-9
Food processing reactions, relative extents, 62-8
Food processing vs food preservation, definition, 3
Food products, definition, 6
Food quality, ensuring in processing, 22-3
Food safety, ensuring in processing, 22-3
Food safety objectives, in ensuring food safety, 22-3
Formulation, of food product - effect on shelf life, 18
Freezing, of meat - designing a new process (illustrative example), 24-5
Frozen foods, shelf life (illustrative example), 14-5, 94-103
Frozen fruit in syrup, storage life of (Fig.), 97
Fruit, extension of shelf life through applied reaction technology, 167
extension of storage life by MAP and
controlled-atmosphere storage, 149
Gamma rays from radioactive isotopes, use in food processing, 153
Heat denaturation, of enzymes, 114
Heat treatment, of milk – optimum process for (case study), 132-4
Heat-conducting packs, optimum process
conditions for, 131
High-pressure technology, in food processing, 158-9
Hurdle technology, 160-1
Hydrogen, as catalyst in food processing reactions, 113
decomposition by peroxidase enzymes, 116
Hydrogenation, of fat – important measures of the reaction, 120
of soya bean oil, 121
Hydrogenation reaction, progress of (Fig.), 121
Hydrolysis of sugar, in jam making – reaction rates, 39-40
Hydroxymethyl furfural, used to monitor browning, 119
Immunoglobulin G (IgG), activation energies of heat destruction changed
by processing agents, 146
Important attributes of orange juice (illustrative example), 7
Ingredients modification, success of applied reaction technology, 167-8
Instrumentation, for measurement of changes in product attributes, 177
importance of, 169-70
Integration, ‘step’ process, 89
Intense white light, in irradiation as processing method, 156
Inversion of sucrose, in jam making – reaction rates, 39-40
Irradiation, as alternative processing method, 153-6
to reduce Salmonella in chicken pieces (example), 155
Jam making, as example of food processing, 33
reactions in (Table), 33
Machine-generated electron beams from linear accelerators, use in food
processing, 153
Magnetic fields, as alternative processing method, 156-8
Maillard browning, as example of sequential reaction, 119
MAP, to prolong shelf life, 149
Measurement, of changes in food materials during processing, 2
Meat, designing a new process for freezing (illustrative example), 24-5
Freezing of – success of applied reaction technology, 165-6
use of MAP to prolong shelf life, 149
wrapped in polythene – microbial growth in (example), 85
Microbial death, relative to process reactions, 87-8
Microbial growth, effect of temperature on, 86
in meat wrapped in polythene (example), 85
in relation to process reactions, 83-6
Microbial stability, assessment by use of predictive models, 18
Microbiological outcomes, from process reactions, 83-8
Microorganisms, destruction by high-energy level irradiation, 153
Microorganisms, extent of reaction required for destruction, 62
growth of – effect of processing times, 43
inactivation by high pressure technology, 158-9
prevention by use of pulsed electric fields, 156-7
Milk pasteurisation – OTT charts to select time and temperature conditions, 123-4
processing conditions for (illustrative example), 9
Milk, heat treatment of – optimum process for (case study, 132-4
high-temperature processing – optimising a set of reactions, 125
new ingredients from by applied reaction technology, 166-7
Milk protein products (innovative), development of (processing conditions -
example), 10-1
Modelling food processing, using reaction technology, 25-7
Models, to measure changes in food materials during processing, 2
to predict and control shelf lives during distribution and marketing, 140-1
Modified atmospheres, to affect reactions in foods, 148-50
Mould growth, on cakes – effect of moisture content, 150-1
Mould-free shelf life of cakes, effect of temperatures and humidity (Fig.), 151
New product design, processing considerations, 10-2
Non-enzymic browning, effect of water activity, 151
Nutritional enhancement, opportunity for reaction technology, 176
Nutritional labelling, as determinant of acceptable shelf life, 13
Off-flavours, extent of reaction required for destruction, 62
Orange juice, important and critical attributes of orange juice (processing
conditions - example), 7
OTT chart, for sucrose hydrolysis (Fig.), 76
showing precipitation of whey proteins (Fig.), 127
OTT charts, 74-7
applications, 103
benefits, 105
to determine effect of time, temperature and concentration on reaction rate
constants, 139
use in designing optimum process for pasteurisation of liquid whole eggs
(Fig.), 136
use in optimising process for heat treatment of milk, 133
use in optimising processes, 134
used to optimise a set of reactions in high temperature processing of milk,
used to visualise reaction patterns, 123-7
Outcome/time-temperature charts, 74-7
Packaging, success of applied reaction technology, 168-9
Packaging design, importance of, 18
Parallel reactions, in food processing, 122-6
integration of, 173
Pasteurisation, of liquid whole eggs - designing optimum process (case study),
of milk – OTT charts to select time and temperature conditions, 123-4
of milk – processing conditions for (illustrative example), 9
Pasteurised eggs in shells – development of (processing conditions - example), 11
Pectin changes, in jam making – as example of reaction in food processing, 34
Peroxidase enzymes, decomposition of hydrogen, 116
pH change, as processing strategy, 147
Polythene-wrapped meat, microbial growth in (example), 85
Practical storage life, concept for storage and distribution specifications, 15
of frozen foods (Table), 15
Predictive models, use of to assess microbial stability, 18
Preservation, of food products, 16
Process control, 21-2
Process design, 24-5
important considerations, 25
Process extent, measurement of, 172-5
Process integration, 88-103
Process optimisation, 129-36
Process reactions, effect on microbiological outcomes, 83-8
Process variables, 19-20
Processing agents, affecting reactions in food processing, 145-52
Processing chain (illustration), 19
Processing conditions, as variable affecting final product, 20-1
effect on product attributes, 8-9
Processing times and rates of reactions (Table), 35
Processing variables (Fig.), 144
Product attributes, 4-5
critical, important and unimportant, 6-7
sensitivity to processing conditions, 8-9
Product changes, during processing, 32-72
Product formulation, effect on shelf life, 18
Product quality, uniform – opportunity for reaction technology, 175-6
Product shelf life, 12-7
extending, 16-7
Product specifications, as defined by food manufacturer, 5-8
to conform to legal requirements, 6
Protease inhibitors, in soya beans – extent of reaction required for destruction, 62
Pulsed electric fields, use as alternative processing method, 156-8
Quality, ensuring in food processing, 22-3
measurement in fish, 98
Quantitative product attributes, measurement of, 169-72
Raw materials, as variable affecting processed foods, 19-20
Reaction rates in processing, importance in new product development, 10
Reaction patterns, control of, 109-43
Reaction rate/concentration relationships (equations for), 56-62
Reaction rate/concentration relationships, 60-2
Reaction rate constants at different temperatures, in sucrose hydrolysis, 45-6
Reaction rate equations, 41-3
Reaction rate models, in shelf-life testing, 18
Reaction rate/temperature relationship (equations), 43-7, 49-56, 70-1
Reaction rates, changes in – caused by processing conditions, 110-7
effect of process variables, 24
in relation to processing times (Table), 35
proportional to concentration (in jam making), 36-7
sensitivity to temperature, 43
Reaction technology, importance of understanding, 25
in processing (Fig.), 33
use in modelling food processing, 25-7
Reaction technology approach, to food processing (Fig.), 69
Reaction technology base, in food processing, 188-23
Reactions, in food materials during processing, 33-4
Reference temperatures, for food processing, 78
Regulation, opportunity for reaction technology to aid in drafting, 176
Safety, ensuring in food processing, 22-3
of food – opportunity for reaction technology, 176
Salmonella, reduction in chicken pieces by irradiation (example), 155
Sensory science, to measure product attributes, 141
Sensory testing, development of, 170
Sequential reactions, in food processing, 117-22
Shelf life, important steps in design, 18
of aspartame – effect of temperature, 112
of fish – case study, 98-101
of food products – determining, 13-6
of food products – effect of storage variables (Table), 14
of food products – extending, 16-7
of food products, 12-7
of frozen foods, 94-103
of whey protein coated confectionery - affected by different holding
temperatures, 111
Sous vide processing, 161-3
Soya bean oil, hydrogenation of, 121
Space, relative to time/temperature in food processing, 81-3
Square-root relationship, to determine microbial growth rates, 86
Statistical techniques, use in process control, 22
Steam pressure, effect of variation on reaction rates in canning, 20-1
Sterilisation, F values in, 79-80
in a can – in relation spore death, 90-2
Sterilisation processing, sensitivity of, 51-2
Sterilisation/canning, process integration in, 89-94
Storage design, 17-8
Storage life, extension and prediction - success of applied reaction technology, 168
Storage variables, affecting shelf life of food products (Table), 14
Storage, changes in temperature causing changes in reaction rate constants, 110
Sucrose hydrolysis, Arrhenius plot for (Fig.), 76
Arrhenius plot of reaction rate against temperature, 46
calculations of concentration changes with time, 57
conversions of temperature coefficients, 53
extent of reaction required, 62
OTT chart for (Fig.), 76
reaction rate constants at different temperatures, 45-6
Sugar, inversion in jam making – reaction rates, 39-40
Sugar caramelisation, in jam making – as example of reaction in food processing,
Sugar hydrolysis, in jam making – as example of reaction in food processing, 34
reaction rates, 39-40
Sweetener (aspartame), effect of temperature on shelf life, 112
Temperature, as critical variable in food processing, 35-6
changes in – effect on reaction rate constants, 110-3
effect on microbial growth rates, 86
sensitivity of reaction rates to, 43
sequential changes with time in food processing, 78-81
Temperature and time, steady conditions of, 73-8
variable conditions in food processing, 78-83
Temperature coefficients, of reaction rate constants (equations for), 53
study of, 71
Temperature control, enabled by reaction technology equations, 172
Temperature/reaction rate relationship (equations), 43-7
Temperature/reaction rate relationships, 49-56
Temperature/reaction rate relationships, study of, 70-1
Temperature sensitivity, equations for, 47-52
Temperatures, processing and storage – ranges for food processing reactions
(Table), 36
Thermal death time, 87
Thermal protectants, effect on reactions in food processing, 146
Time and temperature, steady conditions of, 73-8
Time and temperature, variable conditions in food processing, 78-83
Time needed to reach a particular concentration (in jam making), 37-41
Time patterns, in food processing, 71
Time, as critical variable in food processing, 35-6
Time/temperature, relative to space in food processing, 81-3
Time/temperature regimes, importance in storage conditions, 18
Time-temperature tolerance studies, to study food product behaviour on storage,
Tomato paste, continuous heat processing of (case study), 137-8
Total Process technology, 163
Trimethylamine, measurement in fish, 98
Trypsin, sterilisation and thermal inactivation - parallel reactions (example), 174-5
Ultraviolet light, in irradiation as processing method, 156
Vacuum packaging, to affect reactions in foods, 149
Vegetables, enzymic action, 114
Vitamin A retention in liver processing, heating process, for 64-6
Water activity, effect on reactions in food processing, 150-2
Whey protein coated confectionery, shelf life affected by different holding
temperatures, 111
Whey protein coating, yellowing on storage - use of reaction technology to
measure, 67-8
Whey proteins, precipitation of – OTT chart (Fig.), 127
Whole eggs, pasteurisation of – designing optimum process (case study), 135-6
X-rays, use in food processing, 153
Yellowing of whey protein coating, on storage - use of reaction technology to
measure, 67-8
Yellowing, of whey protein coated confectionery 111
Zero order reactions, in food processing, 57-9

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Fundamentals of Food Reaction Technology. Copyright © 2003 Leatherhead Food International.
Web Edition published by NZIFST (Inc.)
NZIFST - The New Zealand Institute of Food Science & Technology