1. Symbols,
units and dimensions
2. Units and conversion factors
3. Some properties of gases
4. Some properties of liquids
5. Some properties of solids
6. Some properties of air and water
7. Thermal data for some food products
8. Steam table - saturated steam
9. (a) Psychrometric charts - normal temperatures
9. (b) Psychrometric charts - high temperatures
10. Standard sieves
11. (a) Pressure/enthalpy chart for refrigerant
- R134a
11. (b) Pressure/enthalpy chart for refrigerant
- Ammonia
N.B. Alternative versions of some of the more complex charts are provided
- these are Adobe Acrobat files (.pdf), which allow zooming
offer a more convenient format for printing.
To view these you need the Acrobat Reader - your computer probably
already has this, but if not, it is available for free download from
Acrobat Reader