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About the book
About the authors
1. The product
development project
in the company

2. The organisation of
the product
development project

3. Product strategy
development: idea
generation and

4. Product strategy
development: product
concepts and design

5. Product design and
process development

6. Product

7. Product launch and

8. Summary: bringing
it together

8.10 Textbooks in
product development

Index of Examples &

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Product Launch and Evaluation

Project Break 7

Either using your company project, or the example in Project 7 at the end of the chapter (below), or a project you have been doing in earlier chapters:

      Decide on the product image and a suitable brand and product

      Develop the graphic design and information on the package.

      Discuss the company’s qualitative and quantitative targets for the

      List the activities in the launch and discuss their coordination

      If possible time the activities and organise them in a job progress bar
      chart or a critical path network.

      Decide what knowledge is to be collected during the launch and the
      research activities needed. Place the research activities on your
      launch plan.

      What areas are you going to study to evaluate the launch?

Project 7: A Junior Cereal

A company, manufacturing baby and infant foods, markets a variety of infant formula and weaning foods. It was considered that a market gap was present in the follow-on food category beyond weaning. An idea evolved for a high-protein refined cereal to fill this gap, to complement their product range and to enable competition on a wider product base in the food market. In focus groups with parents, it was clearly indicated that they wanted a product to fill the gap between the weaning food and children's/adult's cereals but did not want a highly refined product. They also rated muesli highly as a product, naming the benefits 'ease of use' and ‘nutrition'.

In the formulation and processing studies, ground oats were mixed to a slurry and roller dried. This coarse powder was mixed with wheat germ, dried fruit and coconut for the final product. The roller dried oats were used as they increased milk absorption and so improved texture and use. There is a consumer awareness of the importance of fibre, but care needs to be exercised in infant nutrition; so some modifications were made in relation to fibre. The fruit pieces and coconut were reduced because of digestibility and safety concerns.

The product was accepted by the consumers - parents and children; this research indicated that the consumers' age group was 8-18 months. The benefits they recognised were: nutritional contribution, convenience, taste, versatility. The production trial had no major problems, and the financial review was acceptable to management.

The company management has now agreed to the launch of this follow-on food product for toddlers - a Junior Muesli, which is a dried high-protein cereal food based on rolled oats, wheat germ, fruit and coconut. There is no added sugar or nuts and it is much finer in texture than adult muesli. It can be served with cold or hot milk. Nutritionists have confirmed that it is nutritionally acceptable, and mothers and children have confirmed that they find it acceptable because of the nutritional contribution, convenience and versatility.

The product is to be sold through supermarkets and pharmacies in 150 g packs which have an aluminium foil laminated pouch in a cardboard box.


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Creating New Foods. The Product Developer's Guide. Copyright © Chartered Inst. of Environmental Health.
Web Edition published by NZIFST (Inc.)
NZIFST - The New Zealand Institute of Food Science & Technology