About the Division
The NZIFST Dairy Division was the result of an amalgamation between the Dairy Industry Association of New Zealand (DIANZ) and the New Zealand Institute of Food Science & Technology (NZIFST).
To accommodate this dairy interest group NZIFST added on a then eighth division known as "NZIFST Dairy Division".
The Dairy Division aimed to advance and enhance communication within the dairy industry as part of the wider food industry through:
Promoting the advancement of education within the dairy industry (courses, seminars, and
conferences and/or providing support and assistance to other professional training providers).
Organising forums for the exchange of information in the form of meetings, conferences,
seminars, study tours, etc.
Providing information for inclusion in publications to promote the dairy industry as an
industry of choice for new recruits.
Encouraging the professional development of members of the Division and others within the
dairy industry.
Doing such other things as may be considered to enhance the Division and the Institute.

The Dairy Division of NZIFST is the result of the Dairy Industry Association of New Zealand (DIANZ) transferring its membership base to the New Zealand Institute of Food Science & Technology (NZIFST) in 2004.
The Association was itself the result of the amalgamation in 1993 of the former Dairy Technology Society (DTS) and the Dairy Industry Management Institute of New Zealand (DIMINZ).
DlANZ had its beginnings in 1908 as the NZ Dairy Industry Manager's Association (NZDlMA) whose purpose was to enhance the communication between factory managers and attempt to improve working conditions for them.

During the 1920's NZDlMA split into a Factory Manager's Union which took up the task of improving payments and conditions for factory managers, and the Dairy Industry Manager's Association which became a lobby group for them.
Acceptance into the Association was restricted to those who held Manager's Registration and this select group of people, with the advantage of the closed shop, wielded considerable influence within the industry.

This situation endured into the early 1980's when a change in the Industry Act nullified the requirement for Manager Registration. Effectively negating Dairy Industry Union membership because the award had been based around registered factory managers, the new Act also made the rules of the old association impotent. A new association was necessary and DlMINZ was formed.
The Dairy Technology Society, one half of the amalgamation into the current DlANZ, was formed in 1963 as the NZ Society of Dairy Technology.
By 1969 it had merged with the Dairy Science Association which became the Dairy Science Section of the NZ Society of Dairy Science and Technology. The Engineering Section was formed in 1984 but by 1987 the entire organisation became known as the Dairy Technology Society (DTS) with seven branches and two sections.

DTS contributed 600 members employed in every aspect of the industry to the merger with DIANZ. It was the first provider of training to the dairy industry in NZ and between 1968 and 1993 it conducted more than 50 one and two day courses on manufacture, supervision and milk tankers.
DTS was also instrumental in setting up the Dairy Industry Training Council (now the New Zealand Industry Training Organisation - NZITO) which today continues to offer advice and facilities for dairy company training officers.
Quarterly industry newsletters and then journals were produced through DTS from 1964 to 1987 when the Society was renamed. Having undergone several changes, the DTS publications became Dairy Technology magazine which covered DIANZ activities as well as publishing technical material, various other articles and material from Australian Associations.
DIANZ had a membership of 750 at the time of the amalgamation.