Whey To Go - Whey Protein Concentrate: A New Zealand Success Story
By Ken Kirkpatrick, Kevin Marshall, Dave Woodhams, Mike Matthews, Peter Hobman, Lee Huffman, Jim Harper, Robin Fenwick, John MacGibbon, and Arthur Wilson.
This is an unrevised PDF facsimile of the book Whey to Go – Whey protein concentrate, A New Zealand Success Story , published by Ngaio Press, Martinborough, New Zealand in 2014.
This PDF edition is made available free of charge for personal use as a public service through generous gifting by the authors (*deceased) Robin Fenwick, Jim Harper*, Peter Hobman, Lee Huffman, Ken Kirkpatrick*, John MacGibbon, Kevin Marshall, Mike Matthews, Arthur Wilson* and Dave Woodhams, to further our hope that the story and insights will be valuable to all involved in process and product development: scientists, technologists, processors, marketers, policy makers and investors. In particular we hope it will find widespread use as a case study.
The book remains subject to copyright but may be downloaded for personal use and shared with others provided that it is acknowledged, properly cited, not changed in any way, and not used for any commercial purpose.
Whey To Go - Whey Protein Concentrate: A New Zealand Success Story 
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Whey To Go - Whey Protein Concentrate: A New Zealand Success Story 
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The Print Edition
Whey To Go - Whey Protein Concentrate: A New Zealand Success Story
Edited by John MacGibbon
Authors: Robin Fenwick, Jim Harper, Peter Hobman, Lee Huffman, Ken Kirkpatrick, John MacGibbon, Kevin Marshall, Mike Matthews, Arthur Wilson, and Dave Woodhams.
ISBN 978-0-9864685-7-5
264 pages
First published in 2014 by:
Ngaio Press PO Box 153, Martinborough 5741, New Zealand
Copyright © Editor & contributors 2014
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In the early 1970s, Britain was about to join the EEC and New Zealand's dairy industry was desperate for new markets and new products. They were found, partly thanks to a group of talented young technologists, scientists and marketers, a multi-national beverage company and a transformational new technology called ultrafiltration.
At the time, casein products were seen as an important part of the diversification push, But there was a problem: how to deal with the potentially polluting whey byproduct from large new casein plants?
One answer came through ultrafiltration, a technique that enabled the production of whey protein concentrates. They could be tailored as specialised food ingredients and were so valuable that processing highly dilute whey became profitable. These concentrates, along with other whey products, are now an established industry and almost no whey is wasted. It is New Zealand's biggest waste to riches story.
Whey to Go is the story of the early decades of development, written by several of the pioneers: Ken Kirkpatrick, Kevin Marshall, Dave Woodhams, Mike Matthews, Peter Hobman, Lee Huffman, Jim Harper, Robin Fenwick, Arthur Wilson.

A fascinating story about how industrial innovation really works in practice. It takes time, it's often not linear, it takes collaboration across disciplines and across organisations, but most of all, it works because of the confidence, imagination, passion and perseverance of individuals. The New Zealand dairy industry has grown to global leadership through a number of technologically based phases of innovation. Whey to Go describes one of the most important of them.
Jeremy Hill, chief technology officer, Fonterra New Zealand.