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NZIFST - The New Zealand Institute of Food Science & Technology
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Awards & Prizes

Food Industry Scholarships & Prizes
List of Winners 

The Earle Travel Fellowship in Technology 
The Earle Travel Fellowship is awarded annually to support and encourage young professional engineers and food technologists. The aim of the fellowship is to increase the knowledge and skills of professionals through overseas travel. It is envisaged that the skills gained, and the contacts made, through visiting overseas research and development institutes, and attending international conferences will enable successful candidates to improve technology in New Zealand.

Applications are invited from young (under 40 years old) members of NZIFST, Engineering NZ, IChemE in New Zealand or PDMA.

Details for Applications for 2024  - HERE

The Dick and Mary Earle Scholarship in Technology 
A Scholarship with a value of up to $25,000 per year, awarded by the Richard and Mary Earle Technology Trust to aid postgraduate students to undertake research in a New Zealand University in one or both of the following fields:

     Innovation and product development 
    Bio-process technology 

The Scholarship is open for students studying for a Masterate or a Ph.D. It is supervised by the New Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee. 

    More details at

Edna Waddell Undergraduate Scholarships for Women in Technology and Engineering 
The purpose of the scholarships is to provide funds to help women undertake undergraduate study for degrees in engineering and technology at New Zealand universities. The Scholarships are for women entering their first year of full time study for an undergraduate degree, who have not previously studied full time at that level in technology and engineering. The Scholarships are intended for school leavers and mature women; if the latter, preference will be given to those who have worked in industry for at least three years or/and have passed sub-degree courses in technology or engineering.

    Each Scholarship will be for one year, the initial year of study.
    The target maximum value for each Scholarship is $5,000.

Applications must be submitted by 1st October in the year of application

The following prizes are given to students for excellence in their course of study. The winner is selected by the University and does not need to be a member of the NZIFST. The prize consists of a certificate and $700, and one year free full membership to NZIFST. 

Massey University - Kelvin Scott Memorial Prize 
This prize is awarded annually in memory of Professor Kelvin Scott, the founding professor of food technology at Massey University, and the founder of the Institute. The winner is the student in the Food Process Engineering or Food Product Technology major of the Bachelor of Food Technology (Honours) degree at Massey University who scores the highest grades in the subject area of food process engineering at the 300 (third year) level.
University of Otago - Food Science (BSc) - Top Student in 2nd year

Initiated in 1992, this prize is awarded annually to the University of Otago student enrolled for the degree of Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Consumer & Applied Sciences with the highest standard of achievement in Food Sciences papers at 200-level.

University of Otago - Consumer Food Science (BAppSc) - Top Student in 2nd year
This prize is awarded annually to the University of Otago student who is adjudged to be the top achiever in the penultimate year of BCApSc in Consumer Food Science.

University of Auckland -  Top student in Food Science
This Prize, established in 2009, acknowledges the candidate who has achieved the best grades at completion of Part II of the Food Science specialisation of a Bachelor of Science degree, with special emphasis on the grade achieved in FOODSCI 201, Foundations of Food Science.

AUT - Top student in Food Science
This prize is for the top student in the final year research project in B. App. Sci. (Food Sci.) at Auckland University of Technology (AUT).

Food Tech Solutions Undergraduate Student Essay Competition 
This essay writing competition for undergraduate food science and food technology students brings attention to, and promotes the development of, communication skills. Authors of winning entries receive a monetary prize and  their written work is published in Food New Zealand, the official journal of NZIFST.
Students may write on any technical subject or latest development in the food science and technology field that may be important to the consumer. The article must be written in a readable fashion, minimizing jargon, such that someone with a basic scientific education can understand the article. 

Annual Conference Presentation Prizes 
Post-Graduate Students attending and presenting at the annual NZIFST conference may be eligible for prizes in Oral and/or Poster presentations. Entrants must be members of the NZIFST and winning students receive a monetary prize and complimentary membership of the NZIFST. 

School Science Fair Prizes 
The NZIFST Branches support the annual school (Intermediate & Secondary) Science Fairs in their local areas by providing judges and prizes (certificates and monetary) for projects that best demonstrate good food technology / science / engineering.

The New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology (Inc.)

PO Box 44322
Pt Chevalier
Auckland 1022

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